At ProTech, safety is the utmost priority. Injury prevention is our moral obligation and ethical business practice. Our commitment stems from the belief that every employee shall be allowed to work in a safe and healthy environment.
Our promise is to exceed State and Federal regulatory requirements. At ProTech, we recognize that protection of our most valuable asset, the employee and family is our duty. Safety is vital for the public, and the environment is essential to the efficient and successful completion of every construction project we undertake. Safety is more than a priority at ProTech – we consider it a value. Our employees understand that safety is not something we do in addition to the work, it is how we do the work.
Our Accident Prevention Program includes safety training, inspections and reporting. Our Personnel is trained to identify and correct unsafe conditions and dangerous work practices. At ProTech, we recognize that accidents are preventable. By encouraging the belief that accident deterrence has the same value as quality, cost, and production – our safety record for lost days from work is maintained at zero.
ProTech maintains an OSHA incorporated safety training program.